The sooner you see this the better:
Andy Hussong’s videos and software have taught us all these FACTS:
1. The absolutely best RECESSION-PROOF strategy available
to marketers today is OPC: accessing Other People’s Customers
through JV partnerships. Think about it?!?! Why grow your business
one painful-Google-click at a time, with low converting “cold” traffic,
when by securing just one affiliate (and this is available to everyone),
you can receive their highest endorsement of you, your products and
services, to their entire list for free…
2. ENDORSED converts, on average, TWICE as high as does
“cold” traffic – for obvious reasons. Think about it!?!? That
means from the *same* squeeze page, you can grow your list twice
as fast.
Andy’s case study (from Video #3) proved this.
3. Forming JV Partnerships to RECEIVE floods of new traffic
is what the rich people do. According to marketing legend, Dan
Kennedy, “Rich people get paid before the work is done, poor people get
paid after!” Think about it!?!? When you receive traffic, your affiliates
to do all the work for you, sending you their best subscribers,
then, only if someone buys something do you need to share a
portion of the sale = YOU ARE GETTING PAID FIRST, like
the rich people do.
4. Finally there is a proven SYSTEM that attracts and secures all
the new affiliates for JV partnerships you want and once you know
that formula you can receive an endless amount of traffic, all free.
And now you can get first-hand coaching directly from the man
who created the system! Former John Reese Insider, Andy Hussong,
whose tactics and strategies, even in the guru circles are legendary.
But Andy has VERY limited space available because of the hands-on
intensive style of his coaching class.
Talk soon,