All You Need To Know About Generating Traffic With Twitter
Twitter is a new member of the web 2.0 family
. The buzz being created by this micro blogging service now includes its use by large corporate businesses as well as individuals. And now even smaller businesses are learning to use Twitter to help increase their online business as well. If you’re an online marketer, and you haven’t taken advantage of Twitter’s power to advance your business, you’re missing the bus. So what exactly is Twitter? it is a micro blogging website which can be used to build a gathering and communicate with your followers using regular updates. These messages, or tweets, are limited to 140 characters in length, just enough for a few sentences. It’s short, but there’s enough space for you can learn to deliver a strong marketing message. If you want your gathering to have more information, you can include your link for them to follow to get the extra information. One example is to post a couple sentences to intro a new product, and then the added link takes the reader to the actual offer. The simplicity of it shows that Twitter is an incredibly powerful marketing tool for you. The purpose of this article is to discuss how you can use Twitter to generate interested visitors and traffic you’re targeting to your site.
The first thing you need to do if you haven’t already is to acquire a Twitter account. You won’t be able to increase your traffic if you don’t. Twitter is free and it allows you to see if any of your friends, relatives, or colleagues are already using twitter through the use of your email address. Once you have your account you need to work on your profile, upload photos or a logo and, most importantly, add a link to your site/blog.
Unlike Facebook or MySpace, Twitter only allows
you the ability to upload photos on your profile, and to micro-blog, there is no storage for files or photos – save that for your site. However, you do have an opportunity to add your favorite pictures to share them with your friends using Twitter updates, either the regular way or mobile uploads. When you have set up your account with Twitter, you can start following people. Following is just another way of saying you have subscribed to their updates. These updates will be shown on your own profile page. In order to follow someone, you just have to click on the follow button that’s right below the profile pictures. Following people is a great way to get followers of your own, most people will follow people who follow them.
You need to gain trust from your Twitter followers, without it the relationship you need to build just won’t happen. Once followers come to know and trust you they will think of you as someone to look to within your niche. Only then should you include promotional links with your content links, but do it in moderation. Another good way to use Twitter is to search for people with questions concerning your niche market. After you have enough questions that are relevant to your niche, you need to start giving out some good quality answers to those questions. For this you can either create a high quality blog post or also an article/video/audio that not only answers the question but tries to solve the problem. But your responses must be pertinent and accurate and helpful so they are of value to the questioners. In addition to the valuable information you’re provided you will include a link for your product or affiliate site at the end. Make your new move onto Twitter a slow one, rushing into this won’t produce a great yield, you need to work steadily to make Twitter work for you. Take your time to build your following and trust among your followers, before you jump to any kind of promotion. Spend some time hunting for relevant questions too.
All You Need To Know About Generating Traffic With Twitter